Saturday, June 09, 2007


Yup, i have definitely gotten addicted to blogging. there are very few addictions i have...and i am proud of all of them..going to catch a train to bangalore in a few mins. dad is yeling at me to come.. so i gotta leave. but i just wanted to say goodbye and warn you of a two day hiatus. but well, i might always find internet there. if i get bored of my cute neice that is. doubt it. but u never really know with addictions!!!!

till then...adios...

p.s. i used to hate the bangaloreans cos i thought them so wannabe...but opinions have changed.


Sanjaya Srivatsan said...

And ur opinions have changed due to ???

Shilpa Krishnan said...

well..the few bengalurians i know..urself included :)
and a host of other factors

Anonymous said...

lol.. i guess i know why. you are gonna be one of them and so the change? or is it due to the change u are planning to be one of them?


Shilpa Krishnan said...

@sriram: heh....naa....i have grown indifferent to many things..hence...will give u the entire reasons later..or maybe i'll blog about it :D