Friday, June 15, 2007

lucky number 55

we just noticed that we have passed our golden jubilee...but we dont like gold much..we like oxidised gold better. and so we celebrate our 55th post as our oxidised gold jubilee. readers are requested to send oxidised gold to: 49753702630254955205629,
heaven's kitchen.

and ya...we wouldn't mind the stuff sheetal mallar wears in that ad..collection g me thinks...


Anonymous said...

Ok.. i have no clue wat this is about... but i guess.. the high carried over from yesterday...


Anonymous said...

no more orange juice for u... :D


Shilpa Krishnan said...

@N: waaatttt???? no more orange juice...u want to kill me???

nivi said...

hey shilpa... i agree with N... u have got high... and no water also for u coz that alos might give reasons to go high again...:)