Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happiness is... dreaming about a kermit-green watch that you used to wear every day when you were 10.

Reality is.. Waking up and realising it wasn't kermit-green but actually silver finish. And that some days, you didn't wear the watch because someone told you something which went - "I don't like being governed by time". Later, you realised it was foolish to stop wearing a watch just cos something someone said sounded so cool. SO back went the watch onto your wrist

Hunger is.. when you can hear the rumble in you stomach. Even after you just had 5 parathas. You cannot order in because they don't start delivering before 7. You go complain to a friend about the hunger and he offers you oregon seasoning from Dominoes. And you gladly accept, rip the packet apart and start licking the seasoning from your palm.

Boredom is... when you have nothing better to do, so you post random posts such as the above.


Anonymous said...

i wish u don get bored again :P


Anonymous said...

hey seems to have been updated .. the new defn of Boredom is... when you have nothing better to do, so you read random posts such as the above.please make edit the post.

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘I blog, therefore I am’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Anonymous said...

very cute sensei ! :P very cute

though i am refering to the above comment than the post ... lol

Anonymous said...

mast cute !! :))

LOL.............apnaa khud ka dictionary likh !!

Anonymous said...


Now you are in teh blog roll on my blog (I know I know should have bee done a lot earlier)

Reine de mots said...


Reine de mots said...
